Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jimmy Fallon to Host "Late Night"?!?

Is there something I'm missing about Jimmy Fallon?

My exposure to him was via SNL, both in skits and on Weekend Update. His delivery was as wooden as they come, bringing to mind images of a below-average 3rd grader reciting a grocery list -- and those were the lines that he actually *remembered.* Otherwise he divided his screen time between deciphering the strange symbols that appeared on the Teleprompter, and suppressing laughter at how damned clever he was.

And it was just embarrassing when they made him bring out a guitar, in a bid to clone Adam Sandler's success. You could almost hear the frantic clicking of the "APPLAUSE" button coming from the control room, as he struggled through a few chords while trying to sing "funny, edgy, made-up lyrics" to the tunes of mediocre alternapop songs of the mid-90s, then he'd stop and there would be two seconds of dead air as he waited for applause, beaming and glancing around waiting for the prompted audience applause and approval, because he'd just played four different chords in a row -- while singing, yet! [SUPERSTAR!!!]

In any acting/performing class, you'll learn that the first rule of comedy is, "Do not laugh at your own jokes."

So, am I a grouch and not appreciating a great talent? Or is this guy just such a hack that he can't even be bothered to phone in his mediocre material, before going live before a national audience?

I can't be the only one who sees this. If I'm wrong, enlighten me.

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